The Celebrity Therapist

 If you’ve been watching Celebrity Rehab 4, you’ve seen the clients go bowling, go to the beach, hang out by the swimming pool and enjoy a barbecue. Is that what rehab is really like?           The answer is no–not even for the famous. Celebrity Rehab is real in the sense that the clients on the…

I want to apologize for not blogging everyday last week.  It was one of the craziest weeks in my life.  I learned what it really means to live the life of an author.  I did a four day media tour in NY and book signing.  Although it was exciting and exhilarating, it was hard work. … Brand New Audio Program on How to Attract Positive Energy and Eliminate All Addictions Celebrity Rehab 4 started airing last week, and one of the main dynamics in those first two hours was the tension between Janice Dickinson and Jason Davis. The trouble started when Jason began making unkind remarks about the fact that…

 “Shopaholic” is a funny, made-up word for what can be a very serious addiction to shopping–I mean shopping for things you don’t need and spending money you don’t have. Like other addictions, it’s an artificial way to make yourself feel good and avoid coping with the things that make you feel bad. It’s not just…

My higher power once again showed up this weekend in the most miraculous way.  I was having a bit of a meltdown thinking of all the things that I need to take care of in the next week.  I felt overwhelmed and stressed and truly my feelings were an accumulation of the last year and…

I have wanted to post a blog about this subject for a long time and finally the blog came to me this morning.  I could not write anything nearly as concise as this wonderful article by Anonymous One so I decided to post it for you today. I hope it is helpful as you move…

Now that Celebrity Rehab 4 is going to be airing, I notice I have butterflies in my stomach.  That familiar feeling that are people going to be judging me again for my work on Celebrity Rehab.  No one can judge me more than I sometimes judge myself for many things, but not this.  I totally…

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