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The Colorado Springs Gazette revisits the issue. They quote yours truly to the effect that Focus’ influence among younger evangelicals appears to be waning. The balance of the article suggests that my guess-timation is misguided, and that Focus’ decline has more to do with an overall economic decline, changes in technology that require fewer employees,…

The good news: Alan Jacobs has a new blog at Culture11.  The too-good-to-be-true news (warning: Geek Ahead): he says the blog will be about “technologies of reading and research and, well, knowledge.” Woah. Thank goodness for venture capital, aye Culture11?  Tapping Jacobs for such a blog is a stroke of editorial genius. Best known as the…

So says Rod, and I have to agree. I’ve pretty well broken the habit of aimless, passive TV viewing–in addition to my shameful sports radio gluttony–but I’ve replaced it with other media. Like many addicts, I have good days and bad days. The good days are good because I’m faithful to rules I’ve set up…

This is Josh. He’s a student at a small college in Pennsylvania, and I had the pleasure of calling him a couple days ago to tell him he’d won the trip to Africa we sponsored with Children’s HopeChest. He’ll be accompanied by the inimitable Tom Davis, president of CHC. They’ll visit orphanages in either Swaziland,…

Some of my colleagues and I have been following the discussion about how some Christians believe that (or have wondered if) Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ. While we think about putting together something on that story, in Other Anti-Christ News, the RNS reported this week on a farmer named Michael White who believes that rules…

I’m looking for movies that depict Christian killers of some kind, from slasher films like The Night of the Hunter and Martin Scorcese’s remake of Cape Fear (where the killer is a Pentecostal) to less incendiary accounts like Robert Duvall’s The Apostle. Really, any sort of violence will do–think of Mandy Moore’s car slamming into the Jesus…

Two months ago, my wife and I took a trip to Italy. We saved for this trip for ages, cancelled it a time or two due to complications with kids and cross-country moves, saved for it all over again, and finally got to take the trip (sans-children, thanks to the kindness of grandparents) a few…

I wrote this (ahem) incredibly wise and insightful entry on Advent yesterday, and it was apparently lost in the ether. But that’s for the best–the truth is that I don’t have much wisdom or insight on a tradition that I’ve only just begun observing, and awkwardly at that.  Like most kids raised evangelical, Christmas happened…

A little over a week ago, I apparently jinxed our family Thanksgiving by posting about how wonderful and perfect and celebratory it would be. How sweet of me. How sweet and cute and terribly, terribly dumb.  Ten minutes after my sister and her family arrived from Oklahoma, her youngest son, Charlie, puked on my stairs.…

The most emailed article at the New York Times right now is about Ed Young of Fellowship Church in Texas and his much-discussed sermon series on sex. As part of the series, he challenged all the married couples in his church to have sex each day for seven days.  I have lots of questions here,…

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