Sweet Shore

This one is beautifully done and worth watching…   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvCMTwZdByk

This weekend is a perfect opportunity to teach your children about our country’s birth and what America stands for. More and more these things are not taught in school or really even discussed anywhere.  Just go to a baseball game and see how many people stop talking, remove their hats, or know the words when…

I’m in Mammoth Lakes, CA.  There’s still a lot of snow up here–the higher elevations are pretty much covered with it, and in today’s weather report, it says it will be 35 degrees tonight with possible snow above 9000 feet tomorrow.  It’s the end of June, so my granddaughters are asking why it might snow…

A Tribute

Found this article about an amazing dad… June 20, 2011 Navy News|by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Ryan Riley BREMERTON, Wash. — A Naval Base Kitsap Sailor received the 2011 Military Fatherhood Award during a ceremony in Bremerton, Wash. June 16. The National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) selected Logistics Specialist 1st Class Christopher Cady, leading petty officer…

Thanks for all of your comments on my previous post… So, let’s take the discussion about adultery a step further, shall we? I’m really interested in finding out what people think…I’m not trying to sensationalize this at all.  What if a man engages in sexual activity (the “M” word) while watching internet pornography?  Does that…

I promised to share some of my art with you…I’ll be creating a page that features it before too long, but here are a few of my drawings/paintings.  I do my drawings in pen and ink and my paintings are watercolors…enjoy. (jf you double-click on a thumbnail, you can view the completed drawing)    …

….After denying it for days, Rep Anthony Weiner (D) of New York has admitted sending lewd pictures of himself to women on  Twitter. But he’s refusing to resign, as he says he did something “regrettable,” not illegal. (Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor) Now, I don’t know about you, but…this sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?  Yet another…

    Originally published on 9-12-10…at 4 a.m… Actually have been up since around 3 off-and-on…chalk it up to my Lucy who has been very restless tonight.  So…since I’m up, you might as well know what’s going on in my head… Lucy is a funny dog.  She has taught herself a trick that seems to…

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