Stronger Marriages

It can be easy to let things fall by the wayside when you’ve been married for 10 years. Add three children into the mix, and your spouse can start to feel like your roommate. You would think this would be the case for NBA superstar Stephen Curry and his wife, Ayesha. However, they recently shared…
Marriage was once the pinnacle of a relationship. Everyone wanted the home with the white picket fence and children playing in the front yard. Both men and women got into relationships solely to get married, have children, and live happily ever after. This idea is still valid for some couples, but the number of United…
From the time they can understand what sex is, religious leaders worldwide and the Bible teach Christians that sex before marriage is wrong. Naturally, there will be some Christians that deviate from that ideal. However, a majority of believers stick to that notion and refrain from premarital sex. Religious worldviews and attitudes may be a…

If you ask any parent, they’ll tell you that their children were the best thing ever to happen to them. Few choices are more important than having children, and psychologists have figured out what having children means for happiness. Some scholars believe that if you want to be happy, it’s best not to have children.…
Dating has certainly evolved throughout the years. Before the days of online dating and dating apps, it was traditional to meet your spouse through your family, friends, or neighbors. Meeting your spouse at work was also a viable option. However, the 2010s brought in a new era of ways to meet your spouse. According to…

Pass the ben and jerry's pint of chocolate therapy ladies because research says breakups are tougher for men.

Dating coaches say ditch the formal wear and get comfortable during a first date.
Everyone has suffered from a broken heart, or they will in their lifetime. However, a broken heart can cause physical damage on top of emotional turmoil. Takotubo syndrome, also known as broken heart syndrome, is usually triggered by intense stress or personal loss, resulting in long-term heart injury and compromised heart function. Broken heart syndrome…

Marriage is seen as two individuals becoming one. Two individuals take their separate lives and merge them into a singular life, forsaking all others. With that said, is the institution of marriage on the brink of extinction? It may not be there quite yet, but the results of a new survey indicate that the popularity…

A new study shows four out of ten U.S. adults are living without a romantic partner or spouse.

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