Steven Waldman

I’m puzzled by the Obama camapaigns response to the new Yorker cover. To me this seemed pretty clearly an effort to mock Obama’s tormentors, not Obama. The depiction of the Terrorist Fist Jab mocks Fox News, not Obama or Muslims. The Michelle Obama afro mocks those who equate any African American with H. Rap Brown,…

Thinking about the death of Sir John Templeton — champion of research into science and religion — reminded me of two passages from Thomas Jefferson. Though Jefferson was sometimes cast as a heretic, I think he and Templeton were kindred spirits. In this first letter, Jefferson counsels his nephew, Peter Carr, how reason should be…

I find it reviting to listen to people describe near-death experiences. This one was posted in the Beliefnet Community by lfcoach

In the website’s online (therefore unscientific) poll, Obama has now pulled ahead of McCain.

Conservatives routinely (and correctly) chide liberals for misunderstanding the law of unintended consequences. One positive policy will lead to unanticipated negatives outcomes. For instance, it made sense to focus welfare on single mothers, since they’re the neediest. But that accidentally created an economic incentive for people not to get married. Here’s a conservative social policy…

Another interesting thing to me about Jesse Jackson wanting to “cut out” Barack Obama’s “nuts” is that the Obama comments that stimulated the outburst are common fare in black churches. The majority of the people sitting in the pews in black churches (well in most churches) are women, so the message that fathers should do…

Most men might be irked if they heard that someone wanted to have their genitalia removed. Barack Obama, however, is probably celebrating. Drudge Report says Jesse Jackson apparently was caught on tape suggesting the procedure for the Democratic nominee because he felt Obama was spending too much time lecturing black churches on morality.If you’re trying…

How come evolution didn’t wipe out the fainting goats? Seems like this wouldn’t be such a good trait to have survival-wise.

I’ve given scores of talks and interviews on “the politics of evangelical voters” in the past seven years, so I was surprised after a TV appearance last week when my wife turned to me and asked, “Um, Hun, what do you mean when you say ‘evangelical?'” For a few seconds I was angry and disappointed.…

I found the first five funny. But this one? Not so much.

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