Small Town America

When God gave this commandment, I wonder if He knew how people would twist its meaning.  Of course, He did, He’s God.  I always imagine some child stealing a candy bar or a teenager shoplifting a sweater they can’t afford to buy.  But, it encompasses so much more. Some things many people don’t think of…

“You shall not commit adultery” is the 7th commandment.  We all know what that means.  When you are having an intimate relationship with someone to whom you are not married, you are breaking this command.  It is sad to realize that adultery has been an issue for people almost since time began.  Each era deals…

This is possibly the easiest commandment to explain.  We all know what it means to take someones life and that it is something we should not do.  I suppose the exceptions would be during battle in he military and when defending ones home and family.  I still doubt if I could actually do it.  Maybe…

Sometimes honoring our parents can be a real challenge.  Parents are somewhat like church leader or politicians, they deserve our respect just because of who they are.This is the first commandment that comes with a promise.  Exodus 20:12, “HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER THAT YOUR DAYS MAY BE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH THE…

The fourth commandment is “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”  Wow, what does that means by today’s standards?  In the Old Testament there was a whole list of things that couldn’t to done on the Sabbath.  The Jewish Sabbath was on Saturday and no work could be done, not even cooking.   I would…

The third commandment is, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.”  This really doesn’t need a lot of explanation.  For some people the names Jesus Christ and  God are only heard as curse words.  They are added to some derogatory words to spew out obscenities when we get hurt or frustrated. …

The second commandment is, “You shall not for yourself an idol in any form of anything.”  In biblical times people worshipped many different things, from golden and bronze statues to cows and monkeys.  Some worship toads or the sun and moon.  We are not to make anything that could become and idol. Other religions worship…

Today I will begin my series on the Ten Commandants and how they relate to today’s society.  The first command is pretty straight forward.  “You shall have no other gods before me.” Whether you call Him Jehovah, I Am, the Creator, the Holy Trinity or anything else relating to the God of Israel, He is…

The sinking of the Titanic isn’t the only memorial being held this month.  On April 22 there will be a memorial celebration for those lost in the Holocaust.  The Holocaust is a horrible part of history, well documented with testimonies, pictures, and by survivors. Yet some choose to believe that it never happened. Unlike the…

Sunday was the 1ooth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.. It was a dreadful accident that amany think could have been prevented.  1500 people lost their lives when she sank.  People from all walks of life; the very wealthy and  famous, to poor immigrants going to America for a new start.  It was billed…

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