Many churches think it is wrong to dance at all, especially in church.  Our church welcomes the freedom to worship in dance.  We have an adult team and a children’s team.  On Easter Sunday the ladies group performed a beautiful dance for us all to enjoy.  They choose a song and then the dance team leaders choreograph the dance to the music.  Our dancers are always modestly dressed and worshipful in their movements.









King David danced in the streets when they brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem.  Moses’s  sister, Miriam was also a dancer and worshipper.  Psalm 150:4 says, “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.”

The family of the prodigal son danced with joy when they saw  he had returned home.  (Luke 15:25)  There are many examples of dance being used as a form of celebration and worship given in the Bible.

I think the reason it takes so much criticism is because some places do not monitor the activity.  I have been to churches where the dancers were dressed in a way that was too revealing.  I have also seen moves and motions that were inappropriate for church.  As with all things, we need to pray and find out what is pleasing to God and what might be offensive to Him.

Our goal should always be to act  and speak in ways that are pleasing to God.  We want to give Him the honore and glory He deserves.


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