This IS NOT a normal Christmas in northern Ohio!!!   Where is the snow? Where is the ice?  Where are the big gray clouds?  Where are the freezing temperatures?  It was 43 degrees when I took these pictures.  The sun was shinning and even some of the birds were singing.  What’s up with that?

It has been so mild this winter our neighbor’s Tulip tree is budding.  That will look pretty strange if we get lots of snow when the Tulip tree is in full bloom.  I hope it has enough sense to hold off a few months.

We have had a record breaking year for rainfall this year and we are all sick of puddles and mud.  That’s for April, not November and December.  I wish there was some way we could package up some of this rain and send it out to Texas, where they really need it.

Alas, I fear that we complain too much about the weather.  It’s too cold, too  much snow, not enough snow, it’s too hot, it’s too humid, it’s raining again, we need rain, the wind is blowing too much, or oh, my, we need a breeze.  I think it’s a good thing that God controls the weather and not us.

My husband and I would never agree on the temperature.  In the winter, he sits half dressed in the living room watching TV.  Across the room, I have on flannel pajamas, a bed jacket, and two furry blankets, and I am still shivering.  “Honey, light the fireplace, I’m cold.”

I wonder sometimes how our  Heavenly Father can put up with all our whining.  He is so patient with us.  I guess we don’t really need any snow or ice, now that Christmas is over.  But, I’ll bet the farmers would not agree.  A good, thick snow cover will improve the crops  in the Spring.

Do you think we will ever learn to be satisfied and thankful for whatever weather God sends us?

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