Does your life ever feel like you are riding a merry-go-round?  Your emotions go up and down like the horses on the poles of a carousel.  Your spirit soars one day and you are in a valley the next.  Your physical body feels great one day and the next day you don’t want to get out of bed.

To make matters worse, your world seems to be spinning out of control; round and round you go sometimes so fast your vision gets blurred and your mind gets confused.  You just want to get off the merry-go-ground.

Life can be that way.  It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, life just happens to each of us.  The secret is finding a stabilizing rod, like the ones on the carousel that hold the horses in place.  Even though the horses are constantly moving up and down, the pole is stationary and secure.  Even when the carousel is twirling round and round, the poles remain in place.

Jesus is our “rod and our staff”,{ Psalm 23:4b}.  He is our comfort.  He is our security.  He is our hiding place,our hope and our shield. {Psalm 119:114].  He will preserve us from trouble and comfort us with songs of deliverance,{Psalm 32:7}.

As we grow and mature in the Lord, our lives will become more stable.  We will always have “Merry-go-round” moments, but they won’t be as traumatic or as often.  The more we learn to trust in Jesus, the less we succumb to the stresses of life. Sometimes a carousel ride can be fun. It’s what makes life interesting.

We won’t become dizzy and disoriented as our world spins,if we are dependant on Jesus.  We can handle the ups and downs of life with peace and grace.  God will show us how  to be victorious over all these things, if we allow Him to do so.

     In a world that is out of control, people are looking for  someone whose life is in control.  They need to believe that there is an answer to their quandary.  They need a little peace in their lives.   They need a little hope in their situations.  We can offer them that by sharing our relationship with Jesus.

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