Science and the Sacred

Every Monday, “Science and the Sacred” features an essay from one of The BioLogos Foundation’s leaders: Francis Collins, Karl Giberson and Darrel Falk. Today’s entry was written by Karl Giberson. The news these days — especially in the BioLogos part of the world — is all about Francis Collins being tapped as possible head of…

The seas teem with countless beautiful and wonderful creatures, from the silvery schools of fish that dart through the waters and the mysterious jellyfish who float silently through the deep, to the forest of brightly colored coral that provide a home for many.  To what can we attribute such beauty?  On the one hand, the…

As our technology continues to increase and science continues to play an important part in our modern lives, the battle between science and religion seems to keep escalating.  On one side are those who claim that religion is merely outmoded superstition and that science will continue to fill in the gaps of our understanding better…

Source: US Department of Agriculture Plants that have evolved to spread wildfire? The idea seems to go against what we’d consider “survival of the fittest”. It’s no mystery that areas prone to fire encourage evolutionary adaptations in native plants.  After all, we often find plants that have evolved mechanisms to cope with spreading flames, such…

Source: joguldi / Flickr / All Rights Reserved Kenneth Miller, a biology professor at Brown University, tells a story of catching two students plagiarizing.  It seemed quite clear that the two students had submitted the same papers, but the two argued it was merely by chance and that the fact that they were roommates explained…

Source: BaylorBear78 / Flickr The hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” assures us that as we look closer into the wonderful face of Jesus, the things of this earth “will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”  However, as Philip Yancey notes in his editorial “A Whole Good World Outside,” the…

Source: zamburak / Flickr / All Rights Reserved Every Monday, “Science and the Sacred” features an essay from one of The BioLogos Foundation’s leaders: Francis Collins, Karl Giberson and Darrel Falk. Today’s entry was written by Karl Giberson. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to tell where people stand just based on the…

“More appropriate, I should think, is the view that God created the universe out of an interest in spontaneous creativity… What would such a universe be like?  Well, it would for one thing be impossible to predict in detail.  And this seems to be the case with the universe we inhabit… Further, a creative universe…

Source: binux / Flickr / All Rights Reserved As a boy, Sir John Lubbock helped none other than Charles Darwin, his next-door neighbor, to perform experiments.  As an adult, Sir John conducted biological experiments of his own.  In the 1870s, he wanted to find out whether ants communicated with sounds.  His method?  In his own…

A recent survey conducted by the British Council and marketing research company Ipsos MORI looked at the reactions of 10,000 individuals from ten different countries to Darwin and his theory of evolution.  Among the questions the team asked were whether individuals had heard of Charles Darwin, whether they believed there was scientific evidence for evolution,…

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