Happy All Saints Day, folks!  I had to share something I wrote on Facebook the other day.  When I write in the flow like this, it’s is the best feeling in the world.  Sometimes I write my fierce truth.  Sometimes I let the Divine flow though me.  This was a combo deal.  I can feel it as I reread it.  It is love in the form of heavenly words.  May you all know how loved you truly are by your Creator, God, Infinite Universe, Source of all that is.  Whatever form speaks to your soul as unconditional love is your path to holy and sacred for you.  Namaste.  Blessings to all…

When there is a hidden part of you, no matter how minuscule, that does not love you fully or believe in you, your worth, your beauty, your awesomeness, when others reject you, it shines a light on that. Whether someone you even don’t even care about their opinion says you are not good enough or they don’t believe in your dreams-skills-talents-magic-madness, that tiny speck of attention grows in value as its flashlight shines in that little crack in your facade, which feels like a spotlight the size of the sun. The beauty is, and really take this in, this heals you. You want this. Without the stretch, the grasp, the reach past that discomfort that makes you want to run and hide, you would never grow out of it to let your starlight shine. You have a choice.

Always, your soul is ready to hold your hand as you cry and wonder why, accusing the heavens of cursing you when God is just smiling away saying…“Honey pie, hold on, you got this, your training wheels are off now. The winds have picked up and that breeze is going to help you coast. Just peddle up that hill. Take in the view and trust yourself. I love you. You are amazing. You are just about to see it. Your fire is rising. That anger in your belly towards those haters in life and to yourself for not being enough in your own eyes, is burning your blocks, karma, and whatever you think holds you back. No one is holding you back. The brake is not on. Just trust you won’t fall. Deep breaths and feel your center. I’m always here, right there where you lay your hand on your chest. Behind your heart, I dwell. Well, really, I’m everywhere, that cosmic spark of Divine is who you are and you just forgot. Place your hand there and you will remember. You are greatness. You are holy. You are special. You are sacred. You will never not have my love and support. You’re safe. Embody that glory, grace, the epic awesome that I am, that you are. Don’t worry how anything looks, you can never be diminished. You are never broken, you are always whole. You need not earn me. I am always proud. Fill up on this and carry on, sweet child.”

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