I don’t know how many people follow this blog or my journey, but I always try to be honest and authentic.  I have big dreams, but one is not to be a guru.  I think a teacher doesn’t have to be perfect and my writing sure has more wisdom when there are lessons of mine in there and not just know-it-all-ness or do-this-or-else-you-die baloney.  I’ve been on and of with self-help, spirituality, self-empowerment and “woo woo” for almost eighteen years. When my oldest was born I learned about chakras from a PBS special with Caroline Myss and she blew open my mind just by making me re-think Catholicism and the parallels of other religions. I wasn’t sure what I actually believed once I had to think what I’d teach my little one.   At 21, starting yoga (yes, I started because Madonna was doing it and I’m not ashamed).  Giggling cause it’s the truth.  Now at 37, I’ve reached an awakening, crossroads, plateau…I’m not sure what the heck it is but it’s scary, uncomfortable, new, refreshing, and I’ve felt like a mess and a loser for moments of it.  I know I can always shift through it. I am uber-grateful for this and I’m excited to see what I’ll create in my life now that I’m getting out of my way.  Just when I reach a comfort zone, my soul stretches out and yearns to become more unlimited.  I have explored the ideas of an infinite Universe, manifesting, consciousness, and the Law of Attraction. Currently I’m working with an amazing coach, Marci Lock, and my world is rocked again.  Oh, it’s like a Universe earthquake.  She is beyond words, a firecracker-fierce badass-love machine-spirit warrior-soul sister just to name a few.

Working on my mindset means my brain is like scrambled eggs. Interesting to feel small and vulnerable again in this learning phase and yet know that I know a lot of epic shit…it’s time to implement and fully step into the rockstar me for good in all situations. Self-empowerment badasses know crying, overwhelm, getting your feelings hurt, anger, emotions, and feelings are not to be judged. They are part of the growth process. The ones afraid and not brave enough to walk through their BS, the ones unwilling to work on their “stuff” and blame others, circumstances, life, and their victim/martyr story will miss out on the gem of life. Moments of rawness that take you back to childhood are the way of the spiritual warrior at times.

Picture the scene of a home being renovated where people walking by wonder why they didn’t just tear it down, but the owners knew it just needed to firm up the structure with stronger materials and then they’ll add all the fancy upgrades. Nothing wrong with the old house, it was just built on material and “stuff” that is no longer working for the owners. Yep, that is what taking courses, doing masterminds, getting into the meat-juice-heart of your being. I am an even greater writer, coach, speaker and Goddess rockstar when I get real, learn more and apply it, take my mindset to the next level, uplevel my life really, and look at my limitations I had hiding in my subconscious (like the attic needed MAJ-OR renovations cause there were cobwebs and old boxes and such). I’m a metaphor girl. I had to share my process with you all, cause the journey is crazy, cool, wonderful, and amazing.

Ask yourself what you want and W-O-W-S-A…you can sure see what ya don’t. It’s a blessing. Trust that.

Ask yourself where you’re full of BS…and the Universe will show you.

Sometimes you have to rip the Band-Aid off to give the wound air to heal.

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