Are you broke? In debt? Feel like you can never make enough money?

In our society, we are driven by marketing to have the latest and greatest. To keep striving. To have the ideal life that includes a sizeable bank account to fund it. Do you feel like a failure because of your net worth?

It’s not your worth. It’s just where you’re at today. You can soften the anxiety you feel about your finances by using affirmations like:
Money is always flowing to me.
I attract abundance.
My needs are always met.
Good things always come to me.

They are doable. You can even reach for higher vibrations with:
I am prosperous.
I am abundantly blessed.
I am rich.
My bank account grows every day.
My finances are transforming beautifully every day.
Money is my friend.
I love money.
I love the feeling that money brings.
I am free.

See how each feels to you. Affirmations are a feeling. They are not words alone, but rather an energy. For me, money used to feel like security and peace of mind. Then it became a feeling of fun. It ultimately represented freedom to me. I realized I could have that feeling at any time.

I will lead a special prayer for prosperity.
“Dear God (Universe or whatever feels right), I ask that you bless my prosperity and that of all that need it in the world. That I may see my riches are peace, love, joy, nature, family, my body, my life, and my breath. In my God consciousness, I see it’s done. I need not do another thing. My blessings surround me and I acknowledge them and they grow. I bless others with my prosperity. Gratitude is the perfect channel for me to receive. With open heart, I open to more good in my life and allow prosperity to flow gently into my life without force. I will count my blessings and add blessings to others. My soul is forever and eternally one with you and I step into this knowing fully. I attract abundance because I focus on it. I see with my true eyes all I’ve been blessed with. I seek to be a pillar of Light and as my vibrations raises higher, I open the door for more greatness. My brilliance is further revealed as surrender all my fears, doubts, or worries, to you. I will not longer reach and grasp for richness and plenty, I will be it. Thank you. I love you. In all your glory and grace, Amen.”

Blessings to all that is.  Wishing you all good things, Jenny

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