Yesterday I turned 37.  I got a lotus tattoo on my wrist.


With my grateful heart, I am open to receive even more blessings. Feeling amazing and made a decision to go full steam ahead and co-create even more with God.

Then I almost had a panic attack on the way home as I felt fear rise and try to take me down. I said “Homie don’t play that!” and these words above came to me.

I am always safe. The Universe conspires on my behalf. Everything goes my way. Things always work out for me. Life just gets better and love grows daily. I exist in wellness.  

This is my reality.  I felt a fork in the road happen. I called apon Archangel Michael to help me release the fear and felt it pop, like a block fell away from my subconscious. I asked Jesus to fill my heart. Calm took over and I remembered what I already know. Raising your level of consciousness takes guys and bravery as your inner fear monsters try to scare the crap out of you. Your ego doesn’t like change. It tries to help you survive. It’s trying to stay in control. Don’t hate it. Love it.

This is a symbol of me blooming in muddy water…this is where I used to cut myself as a teen. From that dark place I’ve received many gifts that I reap right now as an amazing, strong, loving, resilient, fierce, brave, beautiful woman. Thank you Self, for all of this. You rock!

I had a date to finish out my magical day. I had a delicious dinner with my husband and we drove home with the music on blast.  I felt like the teenager I was when I met him. I was so thankful for all of my blessings, especially him and my five children.  When I got home, I was overwhelmed with hundreds of well wishes in some form, via Facebook, Instagram, phone calls, texts, messages, comments, pictures, videos, and tagged statuses.  I felt like Oprah.  I couldn’t believe people from all over the world are impacted by me and my words.  I was in awe.  Like…really…literally in awe.  It was like God saying, “Honey bun, you are meant to reach millions with your message.”  I take a deep breath, knowing my potential is so there and have no idea how or why, but I just know I’m needed, being called, and through free will and The Law of Attraction co-creating this with God.  I saw a notification in one of my groups that my friend, the amazing Shaun Stephenson, was going home to hospice and was not going to make it.  My heart ached and at the same time a peace was there.  On a soul level, I know all is well, but last year we were on the phone talking about doing projects together.  Whens she was diagnosed, she had this grace about her, and I told her a book would come out of this and she would have such an impact on others with cancer.  Watching her go through this process, knowing God was with her, and all of us in that group were always in awe of her.  We are not sure about anything right now, because the world feels upside down as we will allow a soul sister to move to the next world.  We are forever changed by knowing her.  I will love her forever.  I am not ready, but it doesn’t matter.  I ask for peace for her and that she be free again. Tears roll down my face and this is a big wakeup call that I can’t waste time.  This isn’t dress rehearsal. No more excuses or thinking I have endless time. I might only have today. I will love all the way now.  I will live full blast, but with a quiet peace now.  No more sweatin’ the small stuff.

I’m also aware there is so much going on right now for many.  I’m being called to step up here.  I am going to say a prayer for all.  Let God heal all that need it.  May peace fill those without it.  May you all feel wrapped up in the Love & Light of a Higher Power of this Universe.  Whatever troubles you, whatever fear and doubt, be transmuted and you feel the freedom of inner knowing.  I send love to all going through a challenging time right now.  In the surrender, you are caught in the Divine grace.  You will not fall.  You will not break.  Namaste and Blessings!

P.S.  I’m not giving up yet.  I’m still praying for a miracle for Shaun.  Please keep her, her family and friends, in your prayers.

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