What do you feel?

Check in with yourself and take inventory.  Look around and take stock.  Your thoughts are like a bunch of papers dropped on your desk daily that you get to file away and keep or discard them.  These thoughts come from what we watch, read, listen to.  Be very choosey.  Be a vibe snob.

If you turn off the news and go within, what do you feel?  When you stop all the data coming at you, you can get really clear about your energy. When you really focus on the good, the love, the light, and what’s right in the world. . .it grows.  The job of the media is make you think you need lots of stuff to make you happy.  The quest for happiness is what advertisers entice us with in commercials.  Can’t fault them, everyone can think for themselves.  At any given moment, you can create fear or love in your being, just with your thoughts.  Think a fearful thought and you believe it, equals the feeling of fear.  This feels restrictive, heavy, and intense.  Think a loving thought and believe it means you feel love instead.  Oh, that feels delicious.  It’s open, light, and dreamy.  High vibrating thoughts like joy, fun, peace, love, silliness, hope, and many more, produce a amazing effect on our bodies.  They are like vitamins for the soul.  The lower vibrating thoughts of fear, doubt, envy, etc.  deplete us.  Good news is you can shift in an instant.

If you’re around negativity, you can look out the window or connect with nature to disconnect from the drama.  You can excuse yourself and go to the bathroom to freshen your energy by just washing your hands.  There is always an opportunity also to silently pray or recite a mantra, motto, or affirmation.  Ask  for Divine assistance.  It’s always available.  Can you feel it?  Just say “Hi” to God, Universe, or whatever you call your higher power, and you can feel it.

Today connect to good vibes and you will feel your world start to transform with deliberation intention.  Living on purpose creates a joyous fulfilled life.  Begin now.

Play with your dog, look in your children’s eyes, hug a tree, chant, sing, run, walk, dance, do whatever brings you joy, and you center yourself just as good as meditation or wearing a crystal would.  Raising your vibe opens up the world in a different way for you.

Can you feel it?

How others see the world is through their perspective.  You get to have yours, so let others have theirs.  Never argue with someone else’s reality. You may be standing next to someone who only sees a pile of dirt, when you know there is a seed underneath it that you spring forth.  Some people will never believe it until they see it.  Be a possibilities and potentials dweller, rather than just a reality dweller all the time.  This is how you manifest more good.  Whatever you feed your energy to, will grow, just like that seed.  Plant something good in your mind today.

Get happy by raising your vibe and clearing your energy.  This is where you see you are magic.  You are powerful. You can create your world, one good vibe at a time.  There is always good in the world.  Feel the good.  Can you feel it yet?  It’s right inside of you.

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