Fear not tomorrow, God is already there. I wrote a book by that title some years ago. The truth is real. I believe He is in our tomorrows no matter what is to come. We do not know what is to come but there are some things we do know.

We know God is still on His throne. We know He has a plan. We know His character is loving. We know He is wise. He saw this virus coming – He was not taken off-guard -and He knows how and when it will end. We are to trust Him in the midst of it.

Did He cause the virus? No. We live in a fallen world and viruses are part of it. He has given us excellent scientists, health-care workers and experts that will find a vaccine and take care of us if we do get sick. We are blessed to live in an era that has access to so much excellent health care and technology.

How often have we heard in the last few days the quote from FDR, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”? And yet our news media spends 24/7 feeding our fears.

I think it is important to be informed and to take precautions. But I refuse to live with the mindset of fear. Fear is destructive. It may not kill you dead but it will kill your spirit and joy. It will kill your trust. That’s not where I want to live.

The Bible tells us to, “Fear not.” How can we not fear in such days? Well, we can combat it by playing Christian, faith-filled music in the house. We can spend time in the promises of God. It builds faith. Read the stories of the great men of the Bible and the things they faced and how God delivered them. Read of King David. Genesis 37-47. Read the book of Acts – the history of the early church. Read II Chronicles 20. Yes. These are faith builders.

Spend time in God’s word. And pray. Tell Him how you are feeling. Tell Him of your fears and anxieties. Be honest with Him. He understands. Then spend some time praising Him for who He is: Almighty, Bigger then this virus, Compassionate, Deliverer, Eternal, Faithful, Good, Help and hope, Invincible, Joy, King, Loving, Mighty, Near, Omnipotent, Present, Quick, Redeemed, Savior, Trustworthy, Understanding, Victor, Wise, Excellent, Yes, Zenith of it all and zealous for you.

That’s part of my ABC list of God characteristics. You can add your own. But I cannot tell you how many times I have relied on this list of His characteristics when I am worried or afraid. It helps me drill down to the bedrock of His character and that is where I need to be.

Fear not tomorrow, God is already there!

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