I shared with you earlier this year that I am reading through the Bible. I’m using the Daily Walk Bible in the New Living Translation. I try to do this every other year. This weekend I was finishing up Psalms – started Proverbs this morning. It always amazes me how much I forget or new things I see!

Anyway, yesterday I was reading Psalm 147. It is a Psalm written by King David praising God for Jerusalem’s restoration and prosperity. It talks about God rebuilding Jerusalem and bringing the exiles back. Then there is this verse: “He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.” Then it goes on to say that He counts the stars and calls them by name, His powers are absolute and His understanding is beyond comprehension. And the rest of the chapter is about God’s control over all things: nature, nations, political systems and people…all things.

The Psalmist writes things like: “He sends orders to the world – how swiftly His word flies!” , “He hurls the hail like stones…He sends the winds and the ice thaws…” In the middle all of the glorious and powerful things God does, I love that little sentence, “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”

You’d think God would be too busy doing all His wonderful and powerful works to even notice one with a broken-heart. Much less pause what He is doing to heal the one who has a broken heart plus take the time to bandage their wounds. One with a broken heart is not comforted by almighty power or absolute glory. That would be overwhelming to someone hurting. They need gentle comfort and understanding care.

When you go to the doctor or ER with a wound the doctor takes charge. You feel cared for, safe. The doctor has to get close to you.  He has to put his hands on you.  The first thing he does is stop the bleeding and remove any debris in the wound. That can hurt but you know it is necessary for healing. He works to get good access to the area that is wounded. He will also be sure to keep you warm and as comfortable as possible. He’ll rinse the wound out, and apply some anti-bacterial cream then he’ll evaluate it and bandage it.

When we are broken-hearted, when we are wounded, God comes close. He’s never too busy running the universe to stop and care for your needs. He is our safe place – our “ER”. But we need to take it to Him. Then He goes to work to stop the bleeding and clean out our wound with repentance and forgiveness. He wants to make you whole.

Yes, He counts the stars and calls them by name; He is sovereign over all things but He is never too busy to care for you personally. He knows you intimately. He knows your suffering. He will tenderly care for you and see that you get whole.

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