There is a lot of talk about the immigration issue and the situation on our Southern border. But I have not heard anyone mention that having all these unaccompanied children in our border states and beyond is a real dream come true for pedophiles and sex-traffickers. Strangers are allowed to step forward claim to be a relative and take the children…

This is horrifying! This s a humanitarian crisis of huge proportions. We need to start screaming! On behalf of these children who are pawns. Where are the churches? Where am I? Jesus loves these children. He died for them. And the people using them need the Gospel.

What parent would put their child in such a situation? A desperate one.  What politician uses a child for political gain? An evil one. What people stand by and do nothing? An overwhelmed people.

There is so much coming at us at once – like the flood gates opened up – we can hardly process it all. There is this crisis. The 27/7 news broadcasts. The Middle East is on the brink – Syria, Iraq. Terrorism threats. Sharia law saying they will reinstate crucifixion. Food prices soaring. Hideous division like racism.  Storms. Floods. Breakdown of authority. Homes falling apart.  Moral values sneered at. All this – and more – coming at once. We do feel overwhelmed.

I remind myself daily that God is still on the throne. But we are His hands and feet.

I believe we need to attend to these children. Clean them, feed them then send them home and let their families have them back. Then if they want to come to our country, there are LEGAL processes in place to do that. I am not sure when our thinking became so muddled over this issue. Illegal is still illegal. I may be dense but what is the question there?

We have a proud and noble history of welcoming others to our bountiful land. However, it is being trashed by political correctness, inclusiveness and tolerance. Near my home today is a magnificent naturalization ceremony at the beautiful home or Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd President and writer of the Declaration of Independence. It is a grand occasion, greatly celebrated. As it should be. All of us, except for our Native American friends, were immigrants.

I am speaking as a proud American that wants to protect our borders and be the unique, great county that has lead the world in every area – good and bad.

I also must speak as a Christ-follower. God was big on borders as He was plotting out Israel’s territory. The New Testament speaks of keeping the laws of the land. Jesus also knew boundaries. But He loved the children. “If you do it unto the least of these, you do it unto me.” We cannot stand by and  let these children be used…by pedophiles, politicians, terrorists, our own government.

Ask God what you should do? Reply with any suggestions you may have.

And please pray.


Update! Save the Children is on our borders helping the children – go to their website and read and donate. They also have a presence in the home countries trying to effect changes there.


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