Rod Dreher

From reader Michael Wenberg in Walla Walla: So much bad news lately, but wanted to share something quite beautiful that happened over the weekend. I’m CEO of a small town symphony orchestra that has been around since 1907 (I also play 2nd trombone in the orchestra). We just finished two performances of Sleeping Beauty in…

A reader writes: Have you heard about the 11 year-old Western Pennsylvania boy, Jordan Brown, who killed his father’s live-in fiancée, who was pregnant with their child, with a shotgun? He is now, at 12 years old, to be tried as an adult. A horrific crime. And one should be glad that the death of…

On today, the first day of Passover, Sharon Astyk writes about welcoming the stranger. Excerpt: One of the central pieces of the Passover story, then, which is so important we tell it twice, on two separate nights, is this – you were a refugee, and you should know what it is like. And you must…

That’s what organizers of the fundraising concert for my sister Ruthie Dreher Leming are calling the event — and Leming-Aid now has a Facebook page. Several of you have kindly asked how you can donate money. Really, my family is floored by the generosity of strangers, and we thank you deeply and truly. I’m told…

So says Theodore Dalrymple, whose regular readers know was a prison physician. Excerpt: The problem with low self-esteem is not self-dislike, as is often claimed, but self-absorption. However, it does not follow from this that high self-esteem is not a genuine problem. One has only to go into a prison, or at least a prison…

Look at this:Could this thing really have happened in a school? Or is this a viral fake? If it was staged in a school, what sort of INSANE teachers and principals let this happen? And if it’s a fake, it still required adults to put very small children up to acting out film dialogue with…

By the way, I am persuaded by Father R.J. de Souza’s argument that The New York Times was desperately stretching to connect Benedict with the Father Murphy disaster in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. I always believed this was a problem that Abp Weakland and his predecessors preferred to kick down the road, as so many…

Prosecutors in Massachusetts have taken the unusual step of filing felony charges against nine teenagers who allegedly bullied 15-year-old Phoebe Prince so badly that she hanged herself. Good on those prosecutors. If these kids are convicted, I hope they all go to jail for the maximum time allowed under law, and that they don’t serve…

“To live is Christ; to die is gain.” — St. Paul, martyr, to the Phillippians. “Hold the crucifix up before my eyes so I may see it until I die.” — Joan of Arc, at her martyrdom by fire. “I have seen Christians in Communist prisons with fifty pounds of chains on their feet, tortured…

Or, well, hardly anything. Tonight I pan-fried some scallops in olive oil, sprinkled some sea salt on them, and enjoyed 15 minutes of bliss. And now I see that my pal Amy Sullivan has written a piece implicitly denying the deliciousness of scallops, and confessing to the world that she’s a foodie who has an…

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