So says columnist James Gill in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, citing the way the state has been governed for years not with the public’s interest in mind, but with the interests of the oil companies. Excerpt: We have so much to be sick about that it would be a shame to invite ridicule by harping…

Whatever you do today, you have to read this stunning blog entry from the Southern Baptist theologian Russell D. Moore, who just returned from a visit to Biloxi, Miss., his hometown. He calls the Gulf spill the ecological Roe v. Wade for Evangelicals. Excerpt: As I pass that sign on Highway 90 telling me I’m…

Here’s what’s going to happen today, says the AP: COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Former megachurch pastor Ted Haggard has called a news conference to announce the next step in his career. OK, stop right there. You want a sign that you, a disgraced megachurch pastor trying to rebuild your marriage and your reputation after being…

Last week I posted something lamenting the fragmentation of our culture in postmodernity, but trying also to identify some good things about it. Excerpt: When I think about how relatively monotonous the culture of pop music was in the 1970s, when so much was driven by radio play, I think kids today must be living…

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