Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I have posted an article about a recent episode of ER on my other blog. I am posting longer articles there.

Thank you for the prayers, Susan! I need all the prayers that I can get. I have been reading and am now at page 72. I am hoping to finish the book this week so that this weekend I can write a digest for Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied.

Here it is Michele, Finally a reformed voice crying out in the desert about Beth! She is reviewing Beth’s book “Believing God”. I think the reviewer said it well when she surmises that Beth encourages us to “to add human effort to what God has already done in the cross of Christ, even when it’s…

Never having blogged before, I just thought I’d take a minute and test this. Where did they get the name ‘blog’ anyway. Couldn’t they have come up with something that didn’t remind me of an old creepy movie from the 70’s? Yes, I know that was The Blob…but I still think of it every time…

I was looking at some of the other pictures they had from the Walk for Life march in San Fransco and I was amazed by the size of the crowd in this picture. It is shocking that they have that many pro-life people in San Fransco!

Here is a link to a picture of Chrystal Haviland of Berkeley who “partakes in the pro-choice side of Saturday’s Walk For Life and counterdemonstration.” She is pregnant and has written “My baby is prochoice” on her belly. This is wrong on so many levels but the question I have is since when has it…

I keep changing the name of this blog because I am really bad at thinking up creative names. I am glad it wasn’t my job to name the animals! This title may be closer to the intent of this blog which is to write about the things of this world but with an eye to…

Okay, I’ve finally found my way to Reformed Chicks Blabbing. So far I’ve only really seen one Reformed Chick blabbing, so I guess I’d better jump on in. I have so many incredibly deep and provocative thoughts simmering around in my brain that I just don’t know where to start. Which one would you like…

I asked for prayer in Sunday School today that I would be able to prepare for seminary this week. I had asked for prayer last Sunday but I did not get any further in my reading. So today I resolved to read the book that I have been struggling through for the last month. I…

Where do people come up with these ideas. Why a monkey?

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