I keep changing the name of this blog because I am really bad at thinking up creative names. I am glad it wasn’t my job to name the animals! This title may be closer to the intent of this blog which is to write about the things of this world but with an eye to the one that’s to come. This life is fleeting and we need to keep in mind that we were created for a reason. If we strive after the wind then we will have nothing to show for our lives, we may accumalate a lot of stuff but in the end it will be vanity. And no, the person who dies with the most toys doesn’t win (their heirs may win but not the dead).

The thing about it is that even though we should be keeping an eye to the world that is to come, we are not sure what that looks like. How can we live life under the sun with an eternal perspective? How do we see beyond the clouds and our own self-interest? This blog is my feeble attempt to look at life under the sun from that perspective. Of course I will fail many more times than I succeed; it could be that I really will only be blogging about life under the sun bound by my humanity but I thought it was worth the effort.
Now, speaking of striving after the wind, I have many interests as you can see from my profile so this blog will include posts about politics and technology (both can really be firmly in the striving after the wind category) and many other things.
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