A lot of them! Around 5,000. The editors thought that the MSM would be able to take down Palin before she even accepted the nomination. They were wrong:

“When Us went to print Monday night, it looked like the ticket was falling apart,” says one magazine editor. “They went to print thinking Palin was dead in the water, and their mistake was thinking everyone who reads Us is a Democrat, when they’re not. Readers are loyal, but the base of a political party is more loyal. They don’t need to read the magazine when there’s so much press around it to know to be upset.”

Shocking! A well informed readership to a gossip magazine 🙂 The readers also contacted the advertisers. I think the message is clear, stop the propaganda!
We’re out here and we read your newspapers and magazines and we watch your TV shows and movies. You might just want to remember it next time you try to take down one of our candidates.

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