I think that’s the best line of the night during McCain’s speech. He said it while protesters were removed from the convention (why is it that Obama can give a speech without protesters but the Republicans can’t — he’s pro-war as well). He’s right, we are tired of the yelling. Maybe one day these people will stop protesting and get a life.I was bored with the speech. Part of it was stirring but most of it was a yawn. It’s a good thing that he solidified the base with the Palin pick or some of the lines in the speech would have been a turn off. It’s funny how he’s so comfortable attacking his party but refuses to attack the obstruction and corruption on the side of the Democrats. If he were as fierce in his denouncement of the Democrats, it would be easier to take his denouncement of his fellow Republicans. Oh well, I guess he has Palin for that.Here’s the speech:And you can find the transcript of the speech here.(via)

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