Libby Dole was on Meet the Press yesterday and she ruffled the feathers of the Democrats by just stating the consequences of their stated objective: to get out of Iraq. If we leave Iraq, we lose. How hard is that to understand:

On the final Sunday of the election cycle, the leaders of the four Congressional campaign committees took their seats around the table of “Meet the Press” on NBC, appearing together for the first time in the midterm contest – and promptly diving into a sharp exchange over the war in Iraq.
“To pull out, to withdraw from this war, is losing, there’s no question about it,” said Senator Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina, the chairwoman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “The Democrats appear to be content with losing.”
Mr. Emanuel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, turned sharply toward Mrs. Dole, his face lined with outrage.
“You should take that back, Senator,” he said. But Mrs. Dole kept speaking over him, creating a minute of partisan cacophony on the television set.
“I will not sit idly by with an accusation that Democrats are content with losing,” Mr. Emanuel said.

The Democrats may not want to be the cut and run party and they may not want to be the party of losers but they’re the ones who are advocating leaving Iraq, how do we win if we leave? Emanuel may not like it but that’s what his party is doing.

(Link via Drudge Report)
You can watch the entire show here. If I can find a video of this argument I will update this post. The whole show was all that I could find.
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