According to Wesley Clark, Iraq is the reason for terrorism:(Michelle Malkin has some interesting information about this ad here)So, how shocking is it to see that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had to beef up security because of the fear that she is the target of al-Qaedea, even though she has spoken out against the war in Iraq:

Hollywood golden couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have stepped up security after becoming potential terrorist targets.The movie stars – who are currently in India – have been receiving death threats from terror group al-Qaeda.Pitt, 42, and Jolie, 31, are thought to have been targeted because of the political nature of Jolie’s new movie A Mighty Heart.The film is based on the life of Daniel Pearl – a Wall Street Journal reporter who was killed at the hands of al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan According to reports, British security experts flew to Pune, India earlier this week to protect the couple.The fear of terror threats is also thought to be the reason behind the decision to shoot the movie in India, not in Pakistan where the events took place.

Daniel Pearl, wasn’t he beheaded before we went into Iraq? I guess that it isn’t all about Iraq and Daniel Pearl, September 11th, the Cole all prove that (as Scott Ott so brilliantly demonstrates here).

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