Amid the final campaign push, the 10th anniversary of the nation’s landmark covenant on international religious freedom passed largely unnoticed on Monday. That is more than a shame. The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA) was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by a Democratic president who proved to be better promoting this…

October has been a good month for religious pluralism in America. Not great, but good. This past Sunday on Meet the Press former Secretary of State Collin Powell condemned the religious bigotry that has emerged during the campaign, saying: “I’m also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say.…

By now, many of you have heard General Colin Powell’s recounting of the sacrifice that Muslim-American soldier Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan made for the country of his birth, and how a photo of Khan’s mother draped over her son’s tombstone at Arlington Cemetery moved him to speak out against the demonization of Muslim-Americans among some…

  It is about time.  On Sunday Gen. Colin Powell spoke eloquently about his choice to endorse Barack Obama and, most strikingly, condemned the implicit and explicit disrespect to American Muslims that has been a part of the electoral campaign.  As Muslim Beliefnet blogger Aziz Poonawalla wrote:  “I have been saying this as far back…

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