As this is my first post on Progressive Revival, let me take a moment to thank the Powers that Be at Beliefnet for inviting me to participate here. It’s an honor to be blogging alongside the rest of you! My main blogging outlet is my blog on Islam, politics and culture, City of Brass, so…

Dear President Obama, There has been so much discussion in this country about what this election, your election, our election, signifies for America.   May it be that it signals the healing of our racial wounds.  Yet this is not just about us. It is also about the world, and our place in the world community,…

Terrorist attacks on Mumbai have provoked Meenakshi Ravi to write this on Huffingtonpost: Four years ago, the Hindu-dominated, right wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was dismissed from government by an Indian electorate that saw through its glossy ‘India Shining’ campaign propaganda. The BJP’s loss was the compound effect of many of its failings, but the…

Dear Mr. President-Elect, It is hard to believe that it has just been two weeks since your historic election.    There has been so much discussion in this country about what this election signifies, from what we hope is the beginning of healing of our racial wounds, to the emergence of a new face of America…

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