Third debate with God a no-show. After sitting through the last three debates, I feel nostalgic for the thrill of watching McCain and Obama talk from the heart about their faith and values at Saddleback.  That night we recived insights into both candidates which seemed more authentic, if frightening.  Through the discussion of values issues including abortion, the environment, gay marriage,…

Beliefnet’s Steve Waldman asks the question on his blog.  He writes: Some Democrats are now making an unusual argument about abortion: that a Democratic administration might actually reduce abortions more than a Republican administration? On the surface, this seems preposterous. Republicans oppose abortion rights, Democrats support them. How could it possibly be that a Democratic approach…

Tabitha Knerr at just posted a great piece on all the many ties between Republicans and the gambling industry that are starting to pop up in races around the country.  I commented recently on the effect Sheldon Adelson–the GOP operative behind Freedom’s Watch, who made his billions owning Vegas casinos and investing in the…

There have been many low points in this protracted and seemingly never-ending Presidential season.   Race and gender wedge-games dominated much of the primary scene, with socioeconomic class being an equally uncomfortable and all-too-often silent factor.    Religion too has been present, when it should not have been, like the false rumor that Obama is secretly a…

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