“Father, hear our prayer for the nation of Ukraine. The crisis there is real and dangerous; the land seems to be festering, and on the brink of chaos. Jesus, you are Prince of Peace. Be the Peace of Ukraine. Give all the government leaders in every faction and in every nation involved wisdom and prudence.…

These are the descriptive words used in Matthew 27 (New Living Version) depicting the verbal abuse that Jesus suffered: They shouted at him…jeered at him…condemned him…accused him…mocked him…truanted him…abused him…yelled at him…and ridiculed him… Jesus suffered abuse on every level including verbal torture. The noise of it all. Deadly sticks and stones in the form…

The other day I let JoJo, our little 9 pound poodle, outside to run around and “do his thing”. JoJo never wanders far from our country home. After a few minutes I heard a blood curdling dog-scream — a sound I’ve never heard before and hope to never hear again. I looked out the back…

“God, today we ask for a blessing on United States President Barack Obama. As he begins his second term in office we pray that your hand would strengthen and protect him, that your voice would guide and comfort him, that your heart would consume him, that your will would lead him. You give our governments…

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