Prayer, Plain and Simple

I know two families – Erik and Sheryl, and Shelley and Ed who are presently in the process of adopting siblings from 3rd world nations. Both are having very difficult times closing the deal because of nonsensical governmental bureaucracy in the countries of origin. Adoption has always been God’s heart and both of these situations…

I believe God does bargain, but his terms are high stakes. Most of the time I don’t have courage to stay in the game. I fold my hand before the bidding starts. Here’s another clip from Six Prayers God Always Answers – a dare to play poker with Jesus! Martin Luther had a quick wit…

King David was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” David loved God, lived with passion and prayed with poetic and transparent honesty. But David was also a sinner. He stole the wife of one of his most loyal soldiers, conceived a child by her and then to cover his deceit, murdered the man.…

Check out Nicholas Kristof piece chronicling slavery in the United States. Yes, this evil is “alive and well” in the 21st century. Human trafficking is now the third largest illegal industry in the world – just behind drugs and weapons. Kristof, an award winning New York Times columnist reports on girls being sold into forced…

This prayer is often called “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” because it seeks God’s protection in a world of both tangible and invisible dangers. Though Patrick of Ireland lived more than 1500 years ago his prayer asking that God himself would cover him is just as relevant today. Who of us haven’t wrestled with the haunting fear…

I need wisdom, and fast. I have a challenge before me. It’s a good thing – actually too much of a good thing. I need wisdom and perspective beyond my own capacity to make the right decision between two good options. The Bible says I can ask God and he’ll give me wisdom. I believe…

Bargaining with God: Personally, this is a pressing question for me at this moment, here and now. I need something very specific from God this week, something deeply personal and practical and yet completely out of my hands to deliver. I’m asking God to do what I cannot. So, will it help my case if…

Mother Teresa taught her Sisters of Charity this prayer. It is based on a prayer of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Dear Jesus, help us to spread Your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly that our lives may only be a radiance of…

Pray for followers of Jesus living in Iraq. On Sunday a 30 year old Christian man was shot to death by gunman. Last week as many as seven churches were bombed. And many experts say that the full scope of the raging religious violence is not known because Christians often do not report assaults for…

Yesterday afternoon, a Long Island woman by the name of Diane Schuler, had been driving–unbeknownst to her–in the wrong direction for two miles before her minivan collided into an S.U.V killing eight people and injuring three. Though this is a NY-based accident, I want to draw EVERYONE’S attention to it because this situation desires our prayers. Prayer for the…

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