Prayer, Plain and Simple

In his spiritual autobiography, Confessions Augustine tells the story of his wandering, painful quest to find true peace. He searched in philosophy and religion, in self indulgence and in self effacement. He found peace finally only when God found him. This famous prayer of Augustine expresses well what his own life demonstrated. I think many…

Today, the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, turns 48-years-old. I just wanted to take a moment to wish President Obama a happy birthday and ask that you join me in praying for him today and continuing to pray for him throughout his time in office and beyond. Please join me in prayer…

Yes, we talk to God in prayer. Does God talk back? Here’s the introductory paragraphs to Nine Ways God Always Speaks, my second book, co-written with Jennifer Schuchmann. Some things are too good to be true: living to be 101; winning the lottery; hearing God speak. Despite the fact that these things are out of…

Augustine was Bishop of Hippo in North Africa in the 4th-5th century. Except for the writers of the New Testament, no one has had more influence than Augustine in establishing Christian belief and practice. This prayer to the Holy Spirit invites God to work within our will to make us desire God and to empower…

God invites honestly from his friends. We can be – must be – transparent. And God not only tolerates us shooting straight, he honors it. When we know where we stand with him – as intimate friends – we can bring all our pains, sorrows, troubles, desires and passions. Friendship welcomes truth. As God’s friends…

On Saturday morning I was talking to my mom about life and how I am tired of the single life. At hearing this my mom said, “Well, have you been praying for a mate?” To this I rolled my eyes, let out a sigh of exasperation and told her what I’ve told her in times past, “I’m…

Prayer is just half of the equation. A relationship with God – a “friendship” as I’ve been defining it – requires communication. And communication must be two-sided. We talk with God in prayer. God hears. We believe this; that’s why we pray. But in the communication process, does God talk back? If so, can we…

John Wesley, along with his brother Charles founded the Methodist Movement in England in the 18th century. Wesley preached open-air sermons and followed up by encouraging his converts to join small groups for prayer, study and moral accountability. Wesley’s “Covenant Prayer” was a key element in his own spiritual discipline and in Methodist discipleship.   I…

Prayer is based on an assumption: We believe God hears and is able and willing to respond to what we say. Prayer in its purest form assumes a relationship. In its best form, it assumes a relationship of friendship. Friendship in the Bible friendship was not merely a relationship of affinity. Friendship came with a…

I’m feeling mortal this morning – a stiff back, a bum knee that’s keeping me from running and driving me to the doctor next week, and a general sense of finality. The clock is ticking. Counterweight: I recently came across this amazing prayer by Alphonsus Liguori (1696 – 1787). O my God, help me to remember…

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