Pray like this:

Our Father in heaven,

    may your name be kept holy.

(Matthew 6:9)

Jesus gave us an outline or pattern to teach us to pray. While it is perfectly fine to repeat The Lord’s Prayer as it is, it was not intended as a rote prayer (for he instructed us that prayer is not meaningless repetition).

Let’s begin with the beginning (a very good place to start). Jesus reminds us to Whom we are speaking:  “Our Father.” It’s important to note that Jesus uses the pronoun “our.” God was His Father, yet, He shares the status of sonship with His followers. If we follow Jesus, then we are siblings who share the same dad.

The Greek word he chooses to call his father throughout Scripture is Abba, which is translated papa or daddy, the most intimate term for a father. So let’s remind ourselves today that prayer is talking things over with our daddy. The Perfect Daddy.

We’ve all experienced some brokenness in our earthly dads, but this one is perfect.

The Perfect Father.

Always listening.

Always understanding.

Always providing.

Always wise. 

Always protecting.

Always loving.

Always fighting for our best in every circumstance.

Meditate on Your Heavenly Daddy today and construct a prayer from your very own heart. It might feel awkward at first, but persevere. Soon you will feel like an orphan no more.

Daddy… Thank You that I am Yours. Amen.

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