God of beginnings,
God of mystery and adventure,
The path is steep,
The route is hidden,
The trail a narrow ridge line,
Exposed and treacherous,
Slicing between majestic canyons,
Rising to the awesome sky.
The load is heavy, the destination unknown,
But the journey has rhythm and dance,
Song and story,
Ancient music that rises around us,
To take us from sunset to sunset
As we move into the glorious unknown
Step by step,
Moment by moment,
Day by day by day.

God of the wayfarer,
God of the traveler and sojourner,
Divine light of wonder and truth,
Lead us.
Show us the way
Across vast open spaces
And through tight, narrow passages.
Guide us.
Show us the way
Through stormy days
And moonless nights.

Blessed are You, Source and Shelter,
Guide and Compass, Oasis of Strength,
You lead Your people from trail to trail,
From trial to trial,
From darkness to light,
With love.

© 2011 Alden Solovy and www.tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.

Click to hear Alden read his prayer out loud and to read more of his work.

Alden Solovy is a liturgist, poet, editor and writing coach, as well as an award-winning essayist and journalist. His work combines ancient ideas with new voices and modern rhythms into a unique range of prayers, meditations and poetry. Find more of his work at To Bend Light on Facebook, Twitter and www.tobendlight.com.

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