Parenting on Purpose

Is it ever a good idea to hit your children in the name of enforcing good behavior, or for any reason whatsoever in the name of good parenting? Taking into account the varied belief systems that may guide your parenting; and also which generation you were raised in may help determine how you will answer…

  There was a time in my early parenting when my children would make a request about something they wanted, and my knee-jerk reaction was to say no. It wasn’t something I gave much thought to, it was my natural reflex. Looking back, I think it felt like a safe place to start and perhaps…

  Today’s media experts claim that watching television does not have a negative impact on kids. The exception they say,is made when your kids watch too much television and are therefore not getting enough exercise or socialization. You’re repeatedly told that the violence that’s aired doesn’t create violence in children. Why is it that you’re…

  Even though I spent many years living in the country, away from city life, it didn’t necessarily mean I spent much time outdoors; especially during winter months. And unless I sent my kids out to play, they didn’t either. In every direction was an expanse of green trees, hills and endless miles of Mother…

Face it — most people have parts of their bodies that they wish were somehow different. By different, it’s generally assumed that they wish these attributes were better. Maybe you don’t like the color of your hair or wish your arms had less loose skin on them. Maybe you want that toned stomach you see…

Pets have long played an important role in the American household. I recently read “Pets in America” by Katherine Greer. Critics acclaim her book to be entertaining and informative, it being a portrait of Americans’ relationship with the cats, dogs, birds, fishes, rodents and other animals we call our own. The author says over 60%…

  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone was born with an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’? You’re physically helpless at birth, totally dependent on others to have your needs met. For the most part, every need is tended to. Parents provide their children with love, food, clothing, and a warm place to sleep. Most people as children…

  You think you’ve prepared your child for their teen years, at least to the best of your ability. Perhaps you have talked about sex, relationships and how they fit in to their young lives. Your child may even have agreed with you at the time and you felt a deep sense of relief that…

Many people have strong fears based on experiences that have happened in their lives. You can be aware of your fears and understand that these fears are totally irrational, while still having them. Naturally, you don’t want to pass these emotions on to your children; so, you work hard at hiding these fears from your…

Children spend most of their young lives watching their parents spend money. Every household may value their money in different ways, but it is very important for children to learn how money fits into their lifestyle. Perhaps a child is observing their family spend large quantities of dollars or is living in a family where…

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