Helloooo Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, Friendly Readers,  While leafing through a stack of vintage magazines, I happened upon a recipe in the Good Housekeeping, September 1963 issue that captured my imagination and inspired me host a ‘vintage’ potluck dinner. (Date to be determined; post holiday for sure!) Hot Doggities ~ Steamy…

Bubala, sweetheart, darling, did you know that the first day of the eight-day Jewish festival of light, Hanukkah, falls on  Thanksgiving!  It is a once-in-a-lifetime happening!  The last time Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlapped was in 1888 and the next time it is to happen is in the year 76,695!  Can you imagine!!! Therefore, I am…

Want to serve a desert dish that has the power to put a pretty smile of your friend’s face, is sure to deliver a bucket load of culinary compliments and just happens to be an excellent aphrodisiac?  Then…try this delish dish from the Our Lady of Weight Loss kitchens!  A thousand yums! Pretty & Poached…

This week’s Eat This: Lose Weight recipe from your favorite Dysfunctional Chef (that’s me) is inspired by fall colors, in particular and especially, Autumn Orange.  Orange, an optimistic, uplifting and rejuvenating color, has the power to bring a positive outlook on life.   While mixing, folding and blending the ingredients, think orange thoughts–happy thoughts, adventurous…

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