Research shows that gardening has the power to change your mood, lower your blood pressure, improve the quality of air, alleviate depression, and increase levels of happiness. So what better thing to do than to grown your own Kitchen Herb Garden!?! All the above benefits AND you’ll have fresh herbs to toss into your happy,…

We all know how important it is to start the day RIGHT. With a healthy breakfast, a happy thought and some music to sway to!While chopping onions for this incredibly delicious baked egg dish, listen to Adam Lambert sing Smokey Robinson‘s incredibly beautiful song, Tracks of My Tears, from last night’s American Idol show!(For the…

I’ve been hearing a lot of bad buzz about Splenda. “Many body-conscious people opt for artificial sweeteners instead of sugar when they want to satisfy their sweet tooth. Splenda is a common choice. What is Splenda? It’s a mixture of sucralose (or E955 – named by the European Union) and filler (maltodextose and dexose). Sucralose…

An affirmation is a form of auto-suggestion a.k.a. self-hypnosis, in which a statement is made about the future in the present tense, as if it had already happened in the past. Yes, that’s right. Repeat, please … An affirmation is a statement about the future, made in the present, as if it had already happened…

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