Want to help your man lower his risk of prostate cancer?  Then, according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, you best feed him tomatoes!  Ripe, juicy, red tomatoes! From the Our Lady of Weight Loss kitchens here follows a Tomato Relish recipe that is a super duper pow complement to grilled seafood, chicken,…

As many of you know (if you’ve been following my this week’s banter), I am in Tucson where it is hot, hot, hot.  The weather-person says that we’ll hit a high of 103 degrees today! (Very exciting!!! I just love it!) Love the heat or not, the idea of cooking, using the oven, turning on…

This week’s GET JIGGY Weight LOSS JigSaw Puzzle, entitled “ENRICHED? That’s RICH” is inspired by “enriched white flour!” As it happened, I was reading, once again, about the ills of enriched, processed foods; which as it turns out can be pretty, pretty bad, so I thought what better way to share the information than in…

Greetings from the Land of HOT!  I’m currently in Tucson, Arizona (Attending a June wedding! Rehearsal dinner tonight!  We’re so excited!!!) and it is hot, hot, hot. Get this:  the weather-person promises that the high of the day will be 112 degrees!  Can you imagine?  (Probably lots of you can, those who live in hotter…

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