Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ While surfing the Beliefnet website I stumbled upon your blog some time back and have become a fan, a ‘regular.’ Your daily musings are a perfect blend of weight loss motivation, solid information and fun. One of my favorite blog posts is “The Ultimate Weight Loss Answer.” This…

How Can I Lose Weight???!!? I received an email from a reader enquiring, “Can you give me some pointers on weight loss?” To which I replied, “might you please be more specific?” After all, I could write volumes on the topic, from top to bottom and bottom to top, which I have (two fabulous books…

F as in Big FAT Paradigm Shift Needed – FAST! NOW! HURRY! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, 50-pound Big-Time-Loser I’m not surprised that America is fatter than ever! Or that the latest report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America, 2008 from the Trust for…

For Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Sake! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, author, columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser. If your thoughts and words are steeped in negativity, if you are telling yourself that you are struggling, that you are a loser, that you are stuck and that you are sick; what…

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