Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, and those who found their way on this page via divine intervention (whether they know it or not), dig it:  Thanksgiving foods do not have to be dripping in sugar and fat.  True, a concept that doesn’t seem to have found its way to many a holiday…

Righteous Ratatouille – A guilt-free gastronomical gift from the Gods.  This is a great recipe for any and all and especially for bulk eaters.  If you want to eat a lot, feel uber-full, make this and eat as much as you like! Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 red pepper,…

For whatever reason, probably because Our Lady of Weight Loss encouraged me to do so, I researched the color “Pumpkin.”  As if I didn’t know that the color pumpkin is orange!  But whatever, she insisted, so I did what she asked, and glory be, I’m glad I did.  Interesting information about to follow!!! We all…

Want to serve a desert dish that has the power to put a pretty smile of your friend’s face, is sure to deliver a bucket load of culinary compliments and just happens to be an excellent aphrodisiac?  Then…try this delish dish from the Our Lady of Weight Loss kitchens!  A thousand yums! Pretty & Poached…

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