Chances are you’ve heard the expression, “When you smile, the whole world smiles with.”  Well, it’s true.  Our emotions are contagious and a happy smile can go a long way! The science of this phenomenon dates back to 400 B.C., when Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, observed that some women seem to transfer ‘hysteria” to…

Feeling bitter?  A tad hostile? Perhaps argumentative, contentious, spiteful or even scrappy? If yes, then you can metaphorically offer your bitterness, or his or her bitterness, a cookie or a gumdrop. Or – if you take the literal route, and start handing out sugar cubes in any form – from cookies to gumdrops – here…

Where did the glue go?  A Zen Riddle from Our Lady of Weight Loss (via Rita Rudner)! Good question, no?  Very Zen, indeed! This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle:  Where Did the Glue Go? is designed to keep your mind busy (hands, too)! Remember Our Lady devotees and Tushkateers  (members of the Kick…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled “Our Lady of the Squash Blossoms” was inspired by squash blossoms! Did you know that summer squash blossoms?  And that those blossoms are edible? Bright orange Squash Blossoms are primarily found at farmer’s markets and specialty stores, and often served fried.   But for those us who…

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