This week’s Dysfunctional Chef Recipe shines the spotlight on blackberries, a.k.a. “black caps,” an extraordinarily healthy food.  Black Caps are high in antioxidants, a substance that protects the body by neutralizing free radicals or unstable oxygen molecules, which are known to damage cells and are a source of disease and aging. One cup of blackberries…

SLOW COOKER TIME!  This Dysfunctional Chef loves her slow cooker rotisserie chicken, for a variety of reasons. 1.  It’s really hard to ‘mess it up.’ 2.  One-pot clean-up is a dream. 3.  The chicken is tender, moist and guaranteed to fall off the bone!!!    Ingredients: one whole chicken, organic, locally raised pastured chicken, anti-biotic free,…

When I first heard that 420 was National Weed Day, I thought that meant that we’d all hit our respective gardens and weed.  But no!  It has to do with Marijuana! I thought a ‘feel good’ recipe that includes in its ingredients ‘weed’ might suffice … you know, in lieu of lighting up.  Yes, there…

Greetings Tushkateers and Friends of Tushkateers! It has been a glorious week, has it not?  A week of Easter eggs, Matzoh Brie, and Tulips, galore!  Yes, I took a long (lunch break) walk yesterday with my boyfriend (a.k.a. husband of 25 plus years), through the gardens at Central Park. Glory Hallelujah – the daffodils and…

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