Want to lose weight?  Put a blue light in your refrigerator, as well as in your dining room.  And … dye your food blue. Why?  Blue food is rare in nature.  Aside from blueberries and blue-purple potatoes, blue foods don’t exist in any significant quantity.  There are no blue leafy vegetables or blue meats that…

Does this  Dysfunctional Chef  love a simple, easy, salty, nutty, cheesy recipe that one can eat in bulk?   In other words, a dish that gives you a lot of bang for your calorie buck? And one that you can serve to guests and impress?  You betcha’!  And the more I think about it, I’m…

While you are roasting vegetables and eagerly awaiting your onions and carrots to soften, log onto Beliefnet and take the Politic-OMatic Quiz.  An interesting buffet of political questions are presented to you that assess your beliefs and values in order to find out where you – the quiz-taker – fall on the political party spectrum.…

Whether you celebrate Chanukah or not, you just gotta’ bake yourself a kugel!  This sweet Noodle Kugel is my favorite.  Is it Our Lady of Weight Loss approved? Well … not exactly.  But she did issue Holiday Coupons: Free Food!   I am definitely using one of my free food coupons for my Kugel!!! Ingredients: 16…

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