Here, today, right NOW, Our Lady of Weight Loss shares some of her best non-food weight loss tips!  Tips that set the stage for change, and set your table for success! Use dark, small plates! Studies show that people will eat whatever is put in front of them and, in fact, they are actually left…

Does this quote ring true? If one’s life is so unsatisfying that an unhealthy activity brings a shred of happiness, it is nigh impossible to give it up unless something that brings greater happiness can be enjoyed in its stead. ~ Prem Prakash How about this one? Much of what we called “depression” was really…

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body.  It is an inner view of our outer self.   It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions.  It is ever-shifting.  Our body esteem not only depends upon our size pants, what the number registers on the ‘scales of injustice;’…

I stayed up into the wee hours of the night thinking (could you smell the wood burning?) – yes, thinking about the mysterious nature of “being fat.”  You know. WHY, on the one hand, do we really want to lose weight, but on the other hand don’t do what we need to do to have it…

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