Turn Your Problems Around ... Solutions Are Yours by Janice Taylor, Self-Help / Weight Loss Artist

Do YOU want to look 5 pounds thinner, be more confident, and feel happier than you do right NOW?

Say YES and then read on and follow Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s brilliant ‘be thin’ strategy!

True or False:  Good posture instantly takes off 5 pounds !!!

Stand erect and your clothes will hang gracefully on your body, you’ll look five pounds thinner, and you are sure to feel more confident.

If you don’t believe me, take a look around the office, the cafeteria, the department store, or the line at the grocery store. Notice how people sit at their desks, how some hunch over their meals, slouch, stoop, droop, slump, sag and hunch!  Who looks more confident and elegant? Do you believe me now?

In addition to looking better, you’ll sound better. When you stand straight and maintain good posture, your chest stays open on the ‘exhale,’ your diaphragm automatically opens and rich, mellifluous tones emanate from your throat. Pretty cool, yes?

The way you stand greatly influences your state of mind.
Happy people tend to stand up straight.

Depressed people tend to slump.

And happily, if you are feeling depressed, you can change your state by standing and breathing deeply and fully. Just the physiology of an erect body, sends happy signals to the brain.

If YOU Want to Look 5 Pounds Thinner Today, then …

1. Stand tall and erect!
2. Speak in rich tones.
3. Smile.
4. Breathe.
5. Appear 5 pounds thinner! …

…  Sometimes it’s just that simple!

BONUS EXERCISE:  Here’s a simple exercise that can help you to stand tall and walk gracefully with confidence:

1. Place a book on top of your head.

2. Place one leg in front of the other and be sure to keep your head elevated and your neck elongated (pretend you have the neck of a giraffe or an elegant swan).

3. Move your arms in the opposite stride of your legs.

4. Walk back and forth with the book on your head.

5. Focus!  Straight ahead for a straight posture.

6. Feel light.

7. Be ‘lite!’

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


Life & Weight Loss Success Coach
wise * fun * utterly useful

FEED YOUR SOUL: Change Your WEIGHT!!! workshop – extraordinary opportunity!
September 16 – 19, 212

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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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Tushkateer*  A Tushkateer is a person who receives Our Lady of Weight Loss’s newsletter, called the KICK in the TUSH CLUB!!!  Sign up and receive her weekly e-newsletter with all the news that ‘fit’ to print, and you are automatically a Tushkateer!  How cool is that? :)

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