Kryptonite – (yes, the thing that done in Superman) – comes in all colors, sizes and textures! This Warning brought to you by Janice Taylor, Beliefnet blogger.

While discussing ice cream with Pam*, a client of mine, we realized that she is drawn to a certain cold, creamy, sugary substance that promises to soothe, to delight, to make happy. Ice Cream is, indeed, her kryptonite.

At first glance, the innocent container of Chunky Monkey seems playful and non-threatening. It calls to Pam, “Come – have fun with me. I will soothe your woes and heighten your happiness. I am here for you like no other.”
And so Pam opens the container and spoons out a small portion. She even measures 1/2 cup … but then something happens. Chunky Monkey starts to sing another tune. “More, have more.” “More … and more.” Pam mysteriously finds herself sitting with a spoon in one hand, an empty container in the other, and her newly purchased silk blouse is Chunky Monkey stained. Was it soothing, after all? Is she happy?
Ice Cream is Pam’s kryptonite. While one might say, then do not buy it … she does not. Her freezer is stocked by others (son and husband).
What to do when you open the freezer and find ice cream staring you square in the face, calling your name?
Remind yourself that ice cream is not your friend. Just as Superman was pulled in and ultimately destroyed by kryptonite, so shall you become undone by ice cream (or your equivalent evil i.e. cake or candy).
Label things as they are! Download this Kryptonite sign, cut out, and paste onto your cookies, candy boxes, ice cream containers, peanut butter jars. Onto all red light foods that lead you astray!
Complements of Our Lady of Weight Loss. She’s with you every ounce of the weigh.
Spread the word (NOT the icing!),
Join others in their fight against their personal kryptonite! Join the Kick in the Tush Club community.
and pick up a copy of Our Lady of Weight Loss’s new book All Is Forgiven, Move On – the best permanent fat removal book ever written!
*The names in this blog post have been changed to protect the innocent.
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