On the Wings of Angels

Today, as I was outside by the beach, and very involved in some writing at a picnic table, by the beach. Suddenly, a cute little squirrel climbed up to the top of the picnic table and starting moving toward me. He was very cute, as he was checking out my bag. He seemed to have…

  The angels talk to us about self- care, in so many ways… Today the angels speak of the importance of sleep. To get that extra hour or two.   Sleep lets your body rest and shutdown the constant chatter. Sleep enhances our allowing of the body to rest and recuperate.   Listen to your body, for…

The summer solstice is upon earth on this day. The longest day of year occurs too. We stand is gratitude of the new season upon us, and pledge to help Gaia to continue with the healing process it is going through. The angels ask us to do our part in helping with the healing and…

Todays message for Saturday, June 18th Creating your life can be so inspiring. We ask you to keep the momentum of what you wish for you, always. Know we help when you ask us . We want all that is meaningful for you . Listen to your inspirations. What inspires you on this day?

June 16, 2016  Growth for one is when there is a moment of realization and to make adjustments of where may be needed, for you as an individual..  Having that insight can be the beginning of positive moments.. Embrace what you sense and do what you feel is needed for you at that time.  You…

  Dear Children, We feel your sadness, and your tears, today. We see the frustration of all happening in your world. We ask you to lose heart of what is occurring.  Let your light shine brightly to all you meet.  Let the light of you shine everywhere you go.  Be in the place of knowing,…

Springtime is a time when we clean up our outside area, If we have an outside area to clear.  At one time, I had a nice size balcony and use to buy flowers, in pots and a few hanging flower pots, and some herbs that I enjoyed using for my summer vegetables and grilled meat…

Dear Children, Let your love for freedom to be, who you are, be the goal for you on this day. To be free to share the essence of who you are and to let yourself share this to others. To allow this vulnerability to be shown, yet so strong in so many ways. We, your…

  Did you ever watch a dragonfly fly around a field or a few flying together?  And when you were you watching, did you think how perfect the movements, were in perfect synchronicity?  The graceful movements of the dragonfly are quite beautiful to watch. Many times, I will wonder if they realize the grace in…

Dear Angels What message do you want to share with us today? We ask that you be in a place of being proactive as far as you are able to be in listening to our guidance over the next few days. We are with you and we are helping you see the good of what…

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