Following up on last week’s post, here is a wonderful reading I ran across while looking for something that reflected our values to be read during the ceremony. It reminded me of some of the previous discussions we have had on the Buddhist approach to marriage: From “Gift From The Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh…

According to an article yesterday in USA Today, meditation, “once thought of as an esoteric, mystical pursuit . . . is going mainstream.” One might argue that if it’s in USA Today, it already is mainstream, but in any case. . . The article has a few interesting bits of info.

Amy Winehouse is one of many celebs who has put down the pipe and picked up a mala. photo courtesy of Before Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment at age 35 he was a confused twenty and thirty-something looking to learn how to live a spiritual life. He had an overbearing dad, expectations for what he…

Despite Christie Brinkley’s recent pessimistic advice where she stated, “Right at the beginning of a relationship, I would formalize an exit strategy,” I am going to get married in 10 days on June 13, 2009. I am in the midst of wedding countdown insanity, with many little things that need to be taken care of.…

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