Thumbnail image for autumn-quotes-fall-quotes-about-fall.gif Happy Autumn! Enjoy this quote about fall from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, founder of Shambhala:

“The Four Seasons have a natural hierarchy of restriction,
openness, celebration, practicality–and then restriction again. We could talk
about the functioning of governments or any organization, in fact, in the same
way. There is some kind of harsh winter taking place…on the cushion. Then,
after we sit, we might gather together…and we begin to thaw out. We have spring
there…Then we have a summer celebration, sharing our wisdom….After the
celebration of  summer, we review
what we have done and how we have conducted ourselves, which is the fruition
level of autumn.”


Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

-Great Eastern Sun                        

                                                                                                (Photo from

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