I am suddenly compelled to tell people the truth. Last night into this morning I’ve been blurting out honest things about myself and the world, sometimes related to the conversation, sometimes not. I think it’s because there’s so much lying going on. It’s also Friday.
John McCain said yesterday he was suspending his campaign, going to Washington, putting all his energy into forging a bi-partisan solution to the economic crisis, and not debating until it was done. And he’s done the exact opposite, point by point, of everything he promised to do. It’s revolting. It is playing chicken with America’s economic security

Barack Obama’s campaign is lying, too.
Everyone and their cousin has turned into a big fat lying liarface. So I’m pushing back with some deep personal honesty, in an attempt to counter the bad juju. I haven’t even told my closest friends this stuff. Here goes:

I really, really like Sheryl Crow. In fact, I think “All I Wanna Do” is one of the finest songs ever written in the history of music. The building narrative, the character detail, the social commentary and the lively slide guitar – This song has it all.
I also adore a certain timeless club ballad by Enrique Iglesies which shall remain unnamed (God, the video is awesomely bad – I’ve not seen it before, I swear.)
There, it’s done. I hope these liars learn something from my example. Let Freedom ring.
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